Wednesday, November 27, 2013


An impending new year gives rise to reflection and goal setting. 
What will your goals for 2014 be? 
It’s never to early to start thinking about self improvement!

When thinking about 2014, my goal is to complete a half marathon. I want to complete it my way, by walking, but for some, it doesn't seem like it is enough of an accomplishment if I do not run it. I joined a 5K running program a few years back and ran a 5K. I found that I don't really enjoy running whereas my best friend who encouraged me to join, really misses the running. I guess I would rather distance walk. What I do miss is having a group to walk or run with. I enjoyed that time with my best friend or friends that I met as part of that group. I know that, for some, trying to improve something that you do naturally doesn't seem like an achievement, but it is my personal achievement/accomplishment, and I feel that it should be done on my terms. I want to join a training program to accomplish my goal, but it is seen as a waste of money. I don't know what to do. I don't really care what others think of my training with a group even if it is for walking, but it is discouraging when some cannot see past their own beliefs to support you.

In addition to accomplishing a half marathon, I need to really start taking care of my body and eating better. My sweet tooth usually gets the better of me, but I have found this fall that home cooked meals are not always difficult. The crock pot can be a friend if you are prepared in the morning. And, made from scratch mashed potatoes are really not any harder to make than instant mashed potatoes. I think if I planned out meals more thoroughly, I would have the ingredients on hand for a variety of meals. I have also gotten better at making up meals on the fly; using items that I have and making some kind of creation that is a decent meal. 

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