Friday, November 29, 2013

Black Friday

This year I did not my traditional Black Friday shopping. It was so confusing to me this year because most places opened on Thanksgiving night and I didn't want to spend Thanksgivng plotting where I wanted to go. So, I let it go.

I did end up going shopping during the day on Black Friday. I went mostly to buy things that I needed for crafts rather than true Christmas shopping. I actually had a shopping buddy this year, which is new. My sisters in law have not ever expressed an interest in going with me and because I have traditionally had a plan, I have not minded going alone. This year, my "new" sister in law said she had a few things to buy, and I said that we would work together. We ended up at Bed, Bath, & Beyond, Ulta, Hallmark, Home Depot, and Jo Ann's Etc. We got most of what we needed and some of what we wanted!

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