Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Epic Fail

I tried to bake chocolate chip cookies tonight to take for Thanksgiving dinner since I forgot that someone at dinner is allergic to peanuts. As I was making the cookies, I thought there is a reason why I do not like to do this, cream the sugar and butter together. I find it hard to make scratch cookies. I usually buy a dough and just break and bake. Once, naked, the cookies turned out really flat and runny in that they ran into one another on the tray. They were cooked on the ends, but not in the middle. My husband thinks that I did not put enough flour in them; I have no idea. They taste good, but are not presentable. Good thing I had a plan B.
This is how they turned out! Sticking with cakes, cupcakes, brownies, and Rice Krispies Treats!

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